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Data Backup Planning


Your Problem

  • 140,000 Hard Drives fail weekly in the USA alone¹
  • 58% of Small and Medium Businesses are unprepared for Data Loss¹
  • 67% of Data Loss is caused by Hardware/System Failure²
  • 60% of Companies that experience Data Loss will fail³
  • Data Loss through Ransomware is increasing, with an average 1,200+ organizations infected daily in 2018⁴

Our Solution

Almost 100% of ordinary data loss and ransomware infection can be mitigated with a solid, thorough Backup Regime, designed to safeguard your vital business data. That fact makes backup regimes the most effective weapons of any disaster preparedness/recovery armory.

Our specialists examine your organization’s infrastructure and create a data backup strategy that guards against the multitude of threats facing your crucial information in 2019.


100% of Hardware Fails... Given enough Time

Are you ready for a catastrophic data loss event?

Research shows that the majority of organizations are not prepared for hardware failure. And yet, regular, comprehensive backups are arguably one of the most effective weapons in your arsenal to fight against business failure. Despite this, many business owners and online entrepreneurs still fail to create formalized data backup plans due to the time and effort associated with ”securely” implementing these procedures.

It’s true that developing a robust backup regime takes time and money. However, this needs to be considered an investment - rather than a cost - since it can save your organization from spontaneous business outages or business failure, and is a crucial component of solid Business Continuity Planning.

Data Loss Statistics are Bleak

  • 60% of all organizations which suffer catastrophic data loss either never reopen their doors or fail within twelve months³.
  • 58% of US companies have no formalized backup plan for their business data¹.
  • Of the remainder, 32% do not bother to test the reliability of their backups¹.

These statistics explain the high failure rate for backup data restorations.

How Safe is Your Data?

  1. Am I prepared for a catastrophic data loss event?
  2. Do I have any kind of formal data backup plan?
  3. Is my crucial data being backed up regularly?
  4. Am I taking any measures to protect my backups?
  5. Is their integrity/functionality/recoverability ever tested?
  6. Have I ever replaced my company’s computers and backup drives?

If the answer to even a single one of these questions is “No”, your crucial business data is at serious risk.

What’s more, it’s not enough to backup your business data alone.

Catastrophic hardware failure will take out your computers/networks at the operating system level. Unless you have OS-Image backups ready, that means having to reinstall the operating systems of all affected units from scratch, before being able to restore your business data backups. Our job is to make sure that doesn’t happen.

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